Elements shifting positions based on the size of the window

I am facing an issue with positioning the register form on my website. I want it to be fixed at the bottom-right corner of the window, without reaching the top. Although I managed to achieve this, the problem arises when the screen resolution changes. For instance, on a 1920x monitor, the button is not visible and only the email field can be seen. How can I ensure that the form stays in the same position regardless of the resolution?

Despite searching online for solutions, I couldn't find anything that works. I apologize if this seems like a beginner question, but this has been bothering me for some time now. I hope to find a reliable solution that I can use in the future as well.

This is how I envision the correct placement:

However, the form appears incorrectly on other monitors:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
... (code snippet continues)

CSS Code:

html,body {
    overflow: auto;
... (CSS code snippet continues)

The current display on my monitor is causing confusion:

Here is what it looks like on a 1920x1080 screen:

I experimented with using pixels and percentages, but unfortunately, the results were consistent and disappointing. Help! I'm losing patience...

Now that I have resolved the previous issue, I am encountering another problem - the icons are not maintaining their positions consistently across screens.

On higher resolutions, the alignment of the icons gets distorted:

Div Code:

<div id="main">
    <form id="loginform" action="/action_page.php">
        <label class="usernam" for="username">Username</label>
        <input type="text" id="username" name="username" placeholder="Insert your username...">
        <img id="userimg" src="http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/pretty-office-2/24/man-icon.png"/>

        ... (div code snippet continues)


#userimg {
    position: absolute;
    top: 9%;
    right: 84%;

... (CSS code snippet continues) 

Answer №1

To achieve the desired positioning, simply use the following CSS:

#main {
    position: fixed;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;

(Feel free to adjust the values of "right" as needed.)

It is recommended to avoid using properties like:

#main {
    left: 600px;
    margin-top: 132px;
    margin-left: 399px;
    margin-right: 399px;

as these are considered as "magic" numbers. By setting the height of your form holder correctly, the issue will be resolved.

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