Switch the input direction from left to right

Check out my demonstration that is currently functional: JSFIDDLE

$('#btn-search').on('click', function(e) {
    $('#search').animate({width: 'toggle'}).focus();

Is there a way to modify this so that when clicked, the input expands to the left instead of the right? I am looking to have the input expand towards the left side upon clicking.

Answer №1

Check out this live demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/7tq9146a/1/

Implemented float:right in place of float:left and adjusted the sequence of li elements.

Answer №2

It seems like you're looking to create an animation for the input field where it expands gradually, like this:


Instead of simply shifting the button as follows:


To achieve this effect, you need to adjust both the width and left positioning of the input element. Currently, the animate function is only changing the width without moving the input's starting position. Therefore, you also need to shift the button along with the input to accommodate its increased width.

To implement this behavior, you can modify the code as shown below:

        $('#btn-search').on('click', function(e) {
              width: 'toggle', 
              left: "-=177", // Adjust based on the input element's width
          $('#btn-search').animate({left: "-=177"});

Keep in mind that there may be additional adjustments required when following this approach. For a more comprehensive guide, check out this article on managing the button and input element using different JavaScript and CSS techniques: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/06/26/expanding-search-bar-deconstructed/

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