Upon page load, a dazzling SVG file will flicker before being adorned with CSS styles

I'm experiencing an issue with an SVG arrow icon on my webpage that flashes quickly across the entire screen upon page load before settling into its proper size and placement. I've tried using CSS to initially hide the icon and then reveal it after a short delay using JavaScript, but this hasn't resolved the problem. Can anyone provide guidance on how to eliminate or reduce the visibility of this flashing effect?


<div class="intro-foot">
                    <a href="#section-services" class="smooth-scroll delay-load">
                                             <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 64.57 80" class="smooth-scroll-arrow"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}</style></defs><title>Asset 6</title><g id="Layer_2" data-name="Layer 2"></g></g></svg>


.delay-load {display: none !important;}

.smooth-scroll-arrow {
   margin-bottom: 70px;
   height: 30px;
   width: 30px;
   padding: 0px;

.intro-foot {
   -webkit-animation:bounce 2s infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes intro-foot {
  0%       { bottom:5px; }
  25%, 75% { bottom:15px; }
  50%      { bottom:20px; }
  100%     {bottom:0;}


var $post = $(".smooth-scroll");
}, 250);

Answer №1

Let's tackle the potential issues one by one, starting with the easiest to fix. I recommend getting rid of the CarouFredsel code as it may not be needed (especially if there's only one element in the carousel). This could potentially be causing layout sizing issues. Once you've removed that code, test it out again to see if the problem is resolved.

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