How to Implement the Play/Pause Button in an Angular Application

I'm working on adding a show/hide feature to the play and pause buttons for a list of tracks in Angular 7. I had some success with Angular animation initially, but encountered an issue where all buttons in my list would change state instead of just one. I also attempted to use ngClass without achieving the desired result.

Here is my latest attempt. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

<mat-card class="track-box" *ngFor="let track of tracks" cdkDrag>
      <div class="custom-placeholder" *cdkDragPlaceholder></div>


        class="play-button md-48"
        [ngClass]="{'show' : track === selectedTrack}"
        > play_circle_outline</mat-icon>

        class="pause-button md-48" 
        [class.selected2]="track === selectedTrack"


Answer №1

In response to @Tomato's answer, I have a different perspective as mentioned in my comment.

Instead of using Angular's NgClass, which is similar to ngIf, consider this alternative approach. With ngIf, you create 2 components, toggling between them repeatedly. This may not be the most efficient coding practice.

On the other hand, ngClass allows for the creation of one component and two separate SCSS classes for that component. When a specific condition is met, one SCSS class is applied accordingly.

  • HTML File


  • TS File

export class Component {

    let isPlay = false;

    public toggle(track: string) {
        this.isPlay = !this.isPlay;
        this.isPlay ? return 'play-button'; : return 'pause-button'


By utilizing the toggle() function, you can dynamically assign a corresponding SCSS class based on the button's current state.

Answer №2

Utilizing ngClass Directive

To switch the displayed button icon, you can utilize the ngClass directive like this:

<mat-card class="track-box" *ngFor="let track of tracks" cdkDrag>
      <div class="custom-placeholder" *cdkDragPlaceholder></div>

        [ngClass]="{'play-button' : track != selectedTrack,
            'pause-button' : track === selectedTrack}"
        (click)="toggle(track)">Some output here</mat-icon>


Employing ngIf Directive

You might consider using the ngIf directive (documentation) to toggle the visibility of the buttons. However, as noted by Chris, this approach could lead to performance issues with a large list.

<mat-card class="track-box" *ngFor="let track of tracks" cdkDrag>
      <div class="custom-placeholder" *cdkDragPlaceholder></div>

        class="play-button md-48"
        *ngIf="track != selectedTrack"

        class="pause-button md-48" 
        *ngIf="track === selectedTrack"


If the selectedTrack is not equal to the track, display the play-button; otherwise, show the pause-button.

You can also utilize the if-else-block syntax for this purpose (as shown in the documentation):

<div *ngIf="condition; else elseBlock">Content to render when condition is true.</div>
<ng-template #elseBlock>Content to render when condition is false.</ng-template>

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