Having trouble with the Ng multiselect dropdown displaying empty options?

I'm currently facing a challenge in adding a multiselect dropdown feature to my project. Below is the code I have been working on:


<ng-multiselect-dropdown [settings]="searchSettings" [data]="dummyList" multiple>


dummyList = [
    { item_id: 1, item_text: 'Mumbai' },
    { item_id: 2, item_text: 'Bangaluru' },
    { item_id: 3, item_text: 'Pune' },
    { item_id: 4, item_text: 'Navsari' },
    { item_id: 5, item_text: 'New Delhi' }

searchSettings: TslMultiSelectSettings = {
    enableSearchFilter: true,
    noDataLabel: 'Search For status',
    labelKey: 'status',
    primaryKey: 'status'

The dropdown is successfully generating with the correct number of items. However, it is appearing blank and I am unable to identify the reason behind this issue. Please refer to the image below for visual representation:

Upon inspecting the element using devtools, I can confirm that the option names are present:

I am seeking guidance on what might be causing the text not to display and how I could potentially resolve this problem.

Answer №1

Take a look at the documentation, which states the required format as:

{ id: number|string, text: string }

Latest Update

If you are indeed using the same library I mentioned earlier, here's an example of how to use it:

dummyList = [
    { id: 1, text: 'Mumbai' },
    { id: 2, text: 'Bangaluru' },
    { id: 3, text: 'Pune' },
    { id: 4, text: 'Navsari' },
    { id: 5, text: 'New Delhi' }
<ng-multiselect-dropdown [data]="dummyList"></ng-multiselect-dropdown>

I'm unsure where you found the following interface, as it doesn't match the library I initially referenced. Please clarify which npm package you are utilizing for this setup.

searchSettings: TslMultiSelectSettings = {
    enableSearchFilter: true,
    noDataLabel: 'Search For status',
    labelKey: 'status',
    primaryKey: 'status'

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