How to eliminate cell borders in a Vaadin table

I recently set up a table in Eclipse using Vaadin for assistance.

After some trial and error, I successfully removed the borders of the table with the following line of code:

tblResetButton.addStyleName(Reindeer.TABLE_BORDERLESS) ;

However, there is still a lingering vertical line that remains like this:

Is there a method to conceal all cell borders? Additionally, would it be feasible to assign the color #F4F4F4 to the first cell (labeled "Gebruiker") and the color #E2E2E2 to the second cell (the textbox)?


While the formlayout seemed promising, I struggled to implement background colors so I resorted back to using tables. Here's the code snippet:


tblReset.addContainerProperty("Gebruiker", String.class, null);

tblReset.setCellStyleGenerator(new Table.CellStyleGenerator() {
            public String getStyle(Table source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
                    return "style-name-with-black-background";
                } else {
                    return "style-name-with-yellow-background" ;


.style-name-with-black-background {
    background-color: black ;

.style-name-with-yellow-background {
    background-color: yellow ;

Answer №1

Regarding cfrick's comment, if the answer is no, it appears that the solution depends on the theme you are using:

  • If you are using valo (recommended for various reasons and based on the screenshot it seems like you are already using it but not entirely certain), then there are 2 other styles,
  • In the reindeer theme, these styles appear to be missing, so you may need to define custom styles manually in your theme. Below is a simple/somewhat naive approach:

Add the style to the table


Define it in your theme as follows

  .v-table-no-vertical-lines-or-border .v-table-header-wrap /* remove header-table borders */,
  .v-table-no-vertical-lines-or-border .v-table-body /* remove body-table borders */,
  .v-table-no-vertical-lines-or-border .v-table-cell-content /* remove cell borders */ {
    border: none;

For the cells, you can utilize a style generator, incorporating your own defined styles for each cell similar to the following:

    table.setCellStyleGenerator(new Table.CellStyleGenerator() {
        public String getStyle(Table source, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
                return "style-name-with-F4F4F4-background";
            } else {
                return "style-name-with-E2E2E2-background";

P.S.: If you are experimenting and working with Vaadin versions 7.2+, explore the support for font icons, which can be extremely useful at times, such as utilizing the embedded FontAwesome:

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