When text is added to div elements, they are mysteriously pushed downward. This strange phenomenon occurs with inline-block elements

Why does the first element get pushed down when its child contains text? What causes inline-block to behave this way?

Is there a way to align divs side-by-side while still allowing them to have children? For example, I want the grey box to contain a list of elements stacked vertically, while keeping everything aligned properly (which works fine if the boxes don't have children):

Check out the example here: http://jsfiddle.net/uwRwM/1/

.box {
display: inline-block;

Answer №1

If you're having trouble with text overflowing, a simple solution is to add overflow:hidden.

Adding this CSS property will ensure that the element contains all of the text within it.

.box {

Check out this jsFiddle demo to see this fix in action.

Another option is to use vertical-align:top instead.

.box {

You can view a demonstration of this alternative approach on this jsFiddle demo.

The reason behind this issue is the default vertical alignment of an inline-block element being baseline, causing it to appear at the bottom. By adjusting these properties, you can easily resolve this layout problem.

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