Is it possible to include a scroll bar at the top of an overflow-x <div> in addition to or instead of the bottom?

Can the scroll bar be positioned at the top of a table instead of just the bottom?

<div style="overflow-x: auto;">

I am looking for a way to have the scroll bar appear at the top of my table in addition to the bottom. I have access to jQuery if needed. If you know of a popular jQuery scrollbar solution, please let me know so I can explore it.

My browser is IE9 or above. I found an answer to this question from over 2 1/2 years ago, but I'm hoping there might be a new method available now.

Answer №1

The position of the scrollbar on a webpage is determined by the browser, which takes its styling from the operating system. It's not possible to manually move the scrollbar.

However, you have the option to create your own custom scrollbar!

  • Check out jQuery Tiny scrollbar
  • Explore jQuery Custom content scroller
  • Consider using jQuery jScrollPane
  • For a vertical scroll solution, try jQuery Nanoscroller (please note it doesn't support horizontal scrolling)

With the wide range of available plugins, there's no need to reinvent the wheel and create your own custom scrollbar from scratch.

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, CSS and HTML alone are not sufficient. JavaScript must be incorporated for the solution. Below is an example illustrating how to implement horizontal scrollbars at both the top and bottom of a table:

Source: horizontal scrollbar on top and bottom of table

<div class="wrapper1">
  <div class="div1"></div>
<div class="wrapper2">
  <div class="div2">
    <!-- Content Here -->


.wrapper1, .wrapper2 {
  width: 300px;
  overflow-x: scroll;

.wrapper1 {height: 20px; }
.wrapper2 {height: 200px; }

.div1 {
  height: 20px;

.div2 {
  height: 200px;
  background-color: #88FF88;
  overflow: auto;



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