In JavaScript, the addition and subtraction buttons may become disabled after nested lists are used

Recently, I embarked on a project to enhance the functionality of restaurant table items and implement value-saving features.

Initially, everything worked smoothly with one item list. However, upon introducing a second list and attempting to manipulate items through buttons, the quantity would increase/decrease while the total sum remained unchanged.

While new items are accurately reflected in the sum, manipulating existing ones seems to be causing issues.

If you add the provided code snippet, you can run it yourself to observe this behavior.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        // CSS styles here

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<body onload="init()">
// HTML structure and script calls here

Thank you for your assistance!

// Embedded JavaScript functions and CSS styles

Answer №1

Once categories have been included, the 'inventory' array now contains 2 named properties:

[Softdrinks: Array(2), Juice: Array(3)]

Therefore, when searching for a price in checkPrice(), make sure to not include the list of products in the initial loop. Here's how you can do it:

function checkPrice(itemName) {
    let itemPrice = 0;

    for(let category in inventory){
      for(let product of inventory[category]){
          if( === itemName){
              itemPrice = product.price;

    return itemPrice;

Answer №2

Adjust the iteration of products in the findPrice() function.

The products variable contains a first-level object with nested lists of values. To access this information, you will need two nested for loops.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en>
    <meta charset="UTF-8>
    & lt;title>Prototyp</title>
        text-align:center ;
        line-height:9vh ;
        height:10vh ;
        background-color:#e58e26 ;
        font-size:44pt ;


<!-- HTML content continues... -->

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