Having trouble displaying a background image with CSS

When I open Chrome from my code editor (WebStorm), the header image shows up perfectly. However, after closing WebStorm and manually opening index.html from my project folder, the header image fails to load/display. The CSS for the background image is

 background-image: url("/assets/heroimage.jpg");
. Do you have any idea why this issue persists? I encounter the same problem when hosting my website on GitHub.

Thank you

Answer №1

Did you attempt using a "relative path" and including a period at the beginning?

background-image: url("./assets/heroimage.jpg");

Answer №2

It was brought up in a discussion here that the issue lies in how you are linking the image to the CSS.

Consider removing double quotes and eliminating unnecessary backslashes:

background-image: url(assets/heroimage.jpg);
background-image: url(./assets/heroimage.jpg);

Hopefully this solution proves helpful :)

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