Issue with dropshadows in Chrome: Instead of applying the shadow effect to the graphic itself, it is mistakenly being added to the container

Having trouble adding a Gaussian drop shadow to an SVG path. The shadow is not applying correctly in Chrome - instead of just on the graphic, it's being added to the container. Works fine in ff though. Any suggestions on how to make this work properly?

Any ideas on how to get this right?

Answer №1

While Firefox displays the shadow but cuts off the image (in your example), Chrome, Safari, and Opera do not show the shadow at all. I've been curious about the reasons behind these differences myself...

Interestingly, I've noticed that Opera successfully renders shadows for SVGs exported from Illustrator CS5, whereas Safari, Chrome, and Firefox do not. It seems like SVGs are still in the early stages of becoming the preferred web graphic file type (which is highly anticipated). It's unfortunate to see all these discrepancies, but Chrome stands out as the smoothest option for SVG animation in my experience.

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