How to Customize Shadow-DOM Elements in Audio Player on Webkit and Chrome

Context: In my quest to enhance the appearance of the audio element in Chrome, specifically version 89 on MacOS, I encountered two perplexing issues that I am seeking a deeper understanding of. By utilizing pseudo selectors, I was able to successfully style elements within the audio player by inspecting the shadow DOM through the browser's developer tools. Two rules that were effective are as follows:

::-webkit-media-controls-timeline {background-color: pink;}
audio::-webkit-media-controls-time-remaining-display {background-color: lightgrey;} 

Inquiry: Despite these successes, there are two anomalies that have left me puzzled.

Challenge 1: My attempt to style the first letter within the time-remaining-display div has proven unsuccessful with the following rule:

audio::-webkit-media-controls-time-remaining-display:first-letter {color: white;}

I find it odd that this rule doesn't take effect when similar styling on a regular div works as expected. What is preventing me from targeting and styling the first letter in this case? (The goal here is to eliminate an irritating leading / symbol in the time display).

Challenge 2:

Another puzzling issue arises when trying to style an element with a different pseudo attribute located elsewhere in the shadow DOM using the following rule:

::-internal-track-segment-highlight-before {background-color: blue;}

It's unclear why this rule fails to apply compared to the previous successful color styling. (The aim here is to improve contrast between two sections of the track segment.)

Additionally, I made a slight improvement in contrast by applying:

audio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline {-webkit-filter: brightness(2.5);}

However, the underlying question remains: Why did one method work while the other did not?

Answer №1

Your browser is Chrome, and you have enabled the "Show user agent shadow DOM" setting.

Two Types of ShadowDOM

  • One type is called "userland" shadowDOM,
    which is created by Custom Elements/Web Components developed by third parties (open or closed).

    This type has been available since the implementation of the W3C Web Components standard.

  • The other type is "user-agent" shadowDOM, which is created by each Browser vendor for tags like input, audio, video, select, etc., with variations in implementation between browsers.

    Access to this shadowDOM content is restricted unless the Browser vendor enables access through shadowParts or related technologies. In most cases, it cannot be accessed directly.

    Some pseudo selectors in WebKit can modify certain settings, Reference: Is it possible to style html5 audio tag?

    However, these selectors do not provide full access to manipulate shadowDOM using complex selectors.

    While some Font and Styling settings cascade into shadowDOM to maintain consistent styling across the page. Reference:

Hence, your use of color:red is effective, while :first-letter may not work as expected.

The filter property functions, but background-color might not have the desired effect.

Alternative Solution: offers a reliable Web Component that replaces the standard <audio> tag, providing consistent styling across all browsers.

Note the notation: (open) instead of (user-agent)

Answer №2

video::-webkit-media-controls-timeline {
        background-color: crimson !important;

enhances visibility for improved contrast.

(confirmed in video element)

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