How to create a Navbar with a fixed-top position and ensure the container beneath it stays fixed to its bottom even when scrolling using the "navbar fixed-top" feature from Bootstrap, I have noticed that the container underneath it tends to slide below the navbar when scrolling down the page (see attached photo). Although this is expected behavior with fixed-top, I am curious if there is a way to keep the container fixed to the bottom of the navbar even when users scroll down?

Answer №1

To determine the height of your stationary element, which we'll assume is 50px, follow these steps:

body {margin-top:50px}

Answer №2

To ensure proper spacing, consider setting the header height as the margin-top of the container. Here's an example:


.container {
 margin-top:100px; /*adjust according to header height*/

Alternatively, you can achieve this using:


var headerheight = jQuery('header').outerHeight();
jQuery('header').css("margin-top", headerheight);

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