How come only the individual top, bottom, left and right paddings function correctly while the combined padding does not respond?

Seeking to customize a button using SCSS file that is connected to HTML.

This button is part of a flex layout design.

The element's size is set at 83.333×16px.

The box-sizing property is defined as:

box-sizing: border-box;

Adding padding with specific values like:

padding-top: 1rem;

padding-bottom: 1rem;

padding-left: 1.875rem;

padding-right: 1.875rem;

works correctly.

However, attempting to use shorthand notation for padding:

padding: 1rem 1.875rem;

does not produce the desired outcome.

Are there any additional settings that need to be enabled? Why is such a simple syntax not working?

I have tried searching online for solutions but have not found anything relevant so far.

Answer №1

Here's a helpful tip:

padding: 1rem 1.875rem 1rem 1.875rem;

Just a reminder, when setting padding values in CSS, they are read clockwise: top, right, bottom, left.

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