How to center an image within a div without it moving

I have set up a JSFiddle for reference:

My task involves centering the down_arrow.png images within their respective div containers. I have successfully centered the up_arrow.png images using auto margins. These images are positioned at the bottom of the divs using the fixed property, ensuring they remain at the bottom regardless of screen resolution.

Can anyone advise on the best method to center a bottom-fixed image within the width of its container div?

Here is some code snippet from the provided JSFiddle (I am experiencing difficulty with StackOverflow formatting):

    .scroll-arrow-down {
        position: fixed;

Note that I do not require any IE-specific hacks or workarounds, as this application will not support IE. Your feedback and suggestions are welcomed.

Answer №1

To avoid having the images fixed to the viewport, it is recommended to use absolute positioning instead of fixed position. This way, the images will be positioned in reference to the container that holds them.

Adding a left:45%; rule can help center the images, but you may need to adjust this based on the width of your arrows.

.scroll-arrow-down {
    position: absolute;
    left: 45%;

Check out this example on JSFiddle for more details

Answer №2

To create a visually appealing design, you can surround the arrow-down images with a div that is positioned at the bottom of the container. This allows for easy centering of the content within the div.

Here's an example in HTML:

<div id="list2">
  <img src="image/up_arrow.png" class="scroll-arrow-up">
  <p class="list-title" id="list-title2">Interactive Features</p>
  <div class="scroll-arrow-down">
    <img src="image/down_arrow.png">

And the corresponding CSS:

.scroll-arrow-down {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  background-color: blue;
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;

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