Create a dynamic effect by adding space between two texts on the page

const Button = () => {

    const options = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'];

    return (
         <div style={{ position: 'absolute', left: '8px', width: 'auto', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', backgroundColor: '#006C84' }}>
            { => (<span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>{opt}</span>))}

I have a code snippet above which is showing some extra space at the end of the text. How can I remove that space?

Answer №1

When applying paddingRight: 10px to the span, there is some leftover space shown at the end of the last child.

There are a couple of ways to address this:

  1. Using JavaScript
  2. Utilizing CSS

JavaScript Approach

{,index) => (
        <span style={{ paddingRight: options.length - 1 === index ? '10px' : "0px" }}>{opt}</span>)

CSS Approach To resolve this issue, consider switching from inline styles to an explicit style or creating a separate style object for better organization and maintenance.

  <div className="parent">
        { => (
            <span style={{ paddingRight: '10px' }}>{opt}</span>)

.parent{//parent css goes here}
.parent span:not(::last-of-type){padding-right: 10px}

Answer №2

const ButtonComponent = () => {

    const buttonOptions = ['option1', 'option2', 'option3'];

    return (
        <div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '10px', backgroundColor: '#006C84', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row', position: 'absolute', left: '8px', width: 'auto' }}>
            { => (

Include the use of display: flex and gap in the styling of the parent div

Visit this link for a live demo

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