How to apply background images to LI elements using CSS

I've been experimenting with CSS-generated tabs to display an active state of an arrow underneath the tab. I tried using the background position properties to position the image for the hover event, but it would extend beyond the predefined boundaries of the tab.
Here is the page in question: . The active tab should have a look like this:

The CSS styles are as follows:

#example-one li.nav-one a.current, li a:hover {
background:url("images/tabarrow.png") no-repeat scroll center bottom #999933;
border-bottom:1px solid #666666;
padding:4px 15px;

Is there a way to make sure that the image shows at the bottom of the specified background? These tabs will be used in various locations, and since they will have different text lengths, they need to use only one image.

Answer №1

It may not be feasible to achieve your desired result using only one tag due to the background image featuring diagonal lines.

One possible solution is to style both the LI and inner A tags together (you can find a similar example at this link: ) or to enclose the anchor text within a SPAN tag and style both the A and inner SPAN tags accordingly.

Answer №2

After some tweaking in Firebug, I managed to come up with HTML and CSS that achieves the desired effect:

<li class="nav-one" style="display:block; height:35px; background: url('') no-repeat 50% 24px;">
  <a href="#one" class="current" style="background:#993; display:block; width:85px; height:20px; line-height:20px;padding:2px;">Featured</a>

You can refactor the inline styles into corresponding CSS styles. The above code snippet is specific to the selected LI element and its anchor element.

I hope this solution proves helpful to you.

Here's an updated version for you that should function correctly (remember, the provided CSS should only be applied to the designated LI and A elements):

Your HTML Structure

<ul class="nav">
  <li class="nav-one current"><a href="#one">Services</a></li>
  <li class="nav-two"><a href="#two">Clients</a></li>

NOTE: The 'current' class now applies to the selected LI element instead of the A element

Your Revised CSS

ul.nav li.current { display:block; height:35px; background: url('') no-repeat 50% 24px; }
ul.nav li.current a { background:#993; display:block; width:85px; height:20px; line-height:20px;padding:2px; }

There seems to be an error in your CSS selector. It should be:

#example-one ul.nav li.nav-one.current { ... }
#example-one ul.nav li.nav-one.current a { ... }

Below is a demonstration of my changes in Chrome and the resulting outcome:

IMPORTANT: Ensure your image path resolves correctly on your server – consider using the full image path if necessary.

REMINDER: Don't forget to update the markup so the "current" class is applied to the LI element rather than the A element.

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