What is causing the discrepancy between the appearance of my fiddle and my page?

Hey there, I encountered an issue while working on a page using jsFiddle - it seems to be behaving differently when viewed on the actual website!

If you want to take a look: http://jsfiddle.net/8Hpmj/8/ http://ktaadn.me/about/

The example at ktaadn.me doesn't appear left-justified and is not filling the width below the logo as intended.

I'm not sure what went wrong - any insights?

Just for fun, here's a link to my unhelpful yet charming cat:

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Include padding:0; in the .nav1 class and set width:100% for the anchor tags with odd.a and such

These adjustments should resolve the issue at hand.

Remember: it's best to avoid using these complex CSS grid frameworks if you're not completely comfortable with them.

Wishing you the best of luck!

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