Is there a way to turn off _moz_resizing on my browser?

I am currently using the nicEdit editor and have successfully integrated my own custom image resizing script. However, I am facing an issue where the default _moz_resizing feature in Firefox is interfering with my custom script.

My goal is to have specific control over the resizing of the image, such as restricting it to only resizing within the boundaries of the parent container's width.

To address this issue, I have written a custom script. Yet, I am unsure how to disable Firefox's _moz_resizing. As a workaround, I am considering detecting if the browser is Firefox and disabling my custom script in favor of using _moz_resizing, even though this means sacrificing some control over the resizing process.

This workaround may lead to potential browser bugs in Firefox, which is less than ideal. :(

Answer №1

If you are using Firefox, you can prevent the default image resizing controls from appearing by utilizing the enableObjectResizing command. Ensure that this command is implemented after setting designMode to "on".

document.designMode = "on";
document.execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, 'false');

Disabling the native resizing controls should eliminate the appearance of the _moz_resizing attribute, which is simply a visual indicator and does not impact the functionality of the controls themselves. However, be cautious as changing the CSS position of the iframe in which the content is displayed can override the effects of the enableObjectResizing command. If needed, you can reapply the command to disable the controls again. This behavior can be perplexing, but it is important to set the enableObjectResizing command after adjusting any CSS position properties.

It is also important to note that the "enableObjectResizing" command will affect resizing handles for both images and absolutely positioned elements within the editable content area.

To see a demonstration of this in action, you can visit this minimal test page.

Answer №2

If you want to turn off this feature, simply navigate to about:config in Firefox and set

to false.

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