How can we add styles to text entered into a form input field in a targeted way?

Is there a way to apply styling to the second word entered into a form input text field after the user hits "enter" and the data is output?

In this scenario, the text always follows the format of 3 numbers, followed by a space, and then a name.

For example:
If I type "903 Houston" in the input field and display it, how can I highlight or style the second word ("Houston") separately from the rest of the text (e.g., make it bold) so that it outputs as "903 Houston"? Would I need to use HTML tags to modify just the second word that's being entered into the form? How could this task be achieved?

Answer №1

When dealing with a string of words and wanting to style individual words, one effective method is to utilize the .split() function to break down the string into an array of words. Subsequently, you can modify specific words based on their position in the array and then reassemble them using the .join() function to form a cohesive HTML string. This approach allows for easy encapsulation of individual words within span elements adorned with custom classes for personalized styling.

"Text inputted by a website administrator is displayed on the frontend of the site. There must be a way to target and enhance its appearance."

A viable solution involves selecting the desired element using jQuery and implementing the aforementioned technique. A sample implementation could resemble the snippet below:

$(".styleMe").html(function(i, currentText) {
    var words = currentText.split(" ");
    words[1] = "<span class='bold'>" + words[1] + "</span>";
    words[3] = "<span class='highlight'>" + words[3] + "</span>";
    return words.join(" ");
.bold { font-weight: bold; }
.highlight { background-color: blue; color: white; }
<script src=""></script>
<p>Some text.</p>
<p class="styleMe">These are some words to be styled.</p>
<p>Some other text.</p>

It's important to note that in scenarios where the length of the input may vary, conducting thorough testing is essential to prevent errors when attempting to manipulate words that do not exist.

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