Just starting out in the world of web development!
I've been tinkering with Modelviewer for a while now, trying to put a 3D map model on a live server. However, one issue I've encountered is that users can see 'under the map.' Any advice on how to address this? Couldn't find any solutions on .
Check out the Front View of the 3D-model here
If you're curious, here's an image of the problem: Under View of the 3D-model
Take a look at the current code snippet for the camera controls:
<model-viewer id="hotspot-camera-view-demo" src="assets/scene.gltf" camera-controls auto-rotate ar ios-src="assets/Low_Poly_Lake_Scene.usdz" camera-controls enable-pan touch-action="none" camera-orbit="-8.142746deg 68.967deg 0.6179899m" camera-target="-0.003m 0.0722m 0.0391m" field-of-view="45deg" min-field-of-view="25deg" max-field-of-view="45deg" interpolation-decay="200" min-camera-orbit="auto auto 5%" ar ar-modes="webxr scene-viewer quick-look"></model-viewer>