The HTML element update event was not triggered due to the excessive load of a JavaScript function

I am currently running a JavaScript function that is quite CPU intensive. To provide visual feedback to users when it starts and stops, I am attempting to display a badge on the webpage. Below is the code snippet:

function updateView() {
    document.getElementById('app-status').className = "badge badge-danger";
    document.getElementById('app-status').textContent = "Processing";
    setTimeout(myUpdateView(), 0)
    document.getElementById('app-status').className = "badge badge-success";
    document.getElementById('app-status').textContent = "Ready"; console.log(6)


function myUpdateView() {



    // Get departure airport.
    var departureAirportICAO = $("#DEPARTURE_AIRPORT").val();
    if (airports[departureAirportICAO] === undefined) {
        alert("Departure airport is incorrect.");
    } else {
        departureAirport = airports[departureAirportICAO];
    // Get arrival airport.
    var arrivalAirportICAO = $("#ARRIVAL_AIRPORT").val();
    if (airports[arrivalAirportICAO] === undefined) {
        alert("Arrival airport is incorrect.");
    } else {
        arrivalAirport = airports[arrivalAirportICAO];

    // Create waypoints.



The issue I am facing is that the app-status element does not change its color or text. When the button calling updateView() is clicked, the page freezes (during the processing) without updating the element.

Answer №1

Is there a return value for the heavy processing function? Using a do-while loop here seems like a smart approach.

const executeCoolFunction(){
 let isComplete = false;
 result = setInterval(massiveCompute, 100)
 if(result === true){
  isComplete = true;
} while (isComplete == false)

Answer №2

To ensure the computer updates the screen properly, I would implement a delay:

function doHeavyProcessing() {
  for (var i=0;i<1000000000;i++) ;
  document.getElementById('app-status').className = "badge badge-success";
  document.getElementById('app-status').textContent = "Ready";

function updateView() {
  document.getElementById('app-status').className = "badge badge-danger";
  document.getElementById('app-status').textContent = "Processing";
.badge-danger { color:red }
.badge-success { color:green }
<div id="app-status"></div>

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