Difficulty in moving to the left side

I'm attempting to make the parent div slide to the left when one of its children is clicked. However, I keep encountering the following error message:

Uncaught TypeError: Property '#' of object # is not a function

$(".Area").live("click", function () {
    $(".sliderAreas").hide('slide',{ direction: 'left' }, 1000);

<div class="clear sliderAreas">
    <h2>Please Select your Current Location</h2>  
    <br />
    <div class='SkiAreas' id="Report">
       <div class='Area'></div>

If I remove the animation options, the default slide action occurs smoothly.

Answer №1

The reason for the issue you're facing is because the feature you are attempting to utilize (specifically the parameters in your hide() method) is not supported by basic jQuery - it's necessary to ensure that you have included the jQuery UI library in your project.

For a better understanding, check out this code snippet on jsFiddle.

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