What could be causing the issue of node-sass generated CSS files not loading on the initial GET request?

I've set up a node express app and incorporated sass support for the CSS. However, when I attempt to access

, the whatever.css file is generated in the express_app_root/public/css directory as expected. The *.scss source files are located in the express_app_root/sass directory.

The issue arises when the browser fails to load the CSS file on the first request but successfully loads it on the second request. How can I ensure that the CSS file generates and loads on the initial GET request?

Below is the snippet of code used to load and configure node-sass:

var sass = require("node-sass");


    src: path.join(__dirname, 'sass'),
    dest: path.join(__dirname, 'public/css'),
    prefix:  '/css',
    debug: true
}),express.static('/css',path.join(__dirname, '/public')) );

Answer №1

It is my belief that there may be a chance you are organizing your middleware in an incorrect sequence. Experiment with repositioning your sass app.use() function towards the top, and observe if it results in any changes...

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