How can you add a new div directly after the parent div's content and display it in-line?

I have a banner that stretches to fill the width completely. Inside this main div, there is another smaller div measuring 30px in size positioned at the end. The nested div contains a close icon background image, and upon clicking it, the entire banner gets hidden using Javascript.

I am aiming to place this close-bar div right after the text content within the banner div.

Here is the desired layout:

[this is a banner with text inside of it [X]]

<div id="banner">this is a banner it has text inside of it<div id="close-ban"></div></div>

Answer №1

If you want to position a banner and close button side by side, you can use the following code:

#banner {
  width: 100%;
  float: left;
#close-ban {
  float: right;
<div id="banner">this is a banner with text inside<div id="close-ban">close</div></div>

Alternatively, you can create a container with 100% width and place the banner and close button divs inside it like this:

#container {
  width: 100%;
#banner {
  float: left;
#close-ban {
  float: right;
<div id="container">
<div id="banner">this is a banner with text inside <div id="close-ban">close</div></div>

Answer №2

One idea is to change the close-ban from a div element to a span element for inline placement with your other HTML content: (The span tag functions similarly to an inline-block. Another option would be to include display:inline-block in the CSS for your close-ban)

Just remember that if your text extends the width of the top banner, it may cause the close-ban to move to the next line using the method mentioned above. To prevent this, you could explore positioning the close-ban relative to the screen or the banner itself:

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