Interconnected HTML div values impacting one another

Forgive me for the not-so-great title, as I am unsure of what this particular HTML coding method is called. That's why I am asking this question in the first place. I've written some code and I need to know what type of coding practice this is.

I have a div with the class "container", and another div named "container bottom-services". I structured it this way because I noticed that the bottom-services class would utilize the container's styling, but without directly applying the same CSS for both elements. Here's the code:

<div class="container">

<div class="container bottom-services">

The CSS styling used:

    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;

Answer №1

When it comes to classes in CSS, they don't hold any special meaning

they simply function as intended in css...

However, delving into different css architectures reveals a whole new world

You are on the right track with the BEM methodology

This approach allows for scalable css and goes beyond the basics

For more examples, check out this link:

Other methodologies worth exploring and comparing include:


Answer №2

In my opinion, the terminology may vary, however, the demonstration illustrated above aligns with the idea of what I refer to as Modular CSS. This approach aims to reduce the number of CSS rules by combining small rule-sets created from various classes.

Answer №3

While method chaining seems promising, there isn't currently a definitive term for the unique way multiple-class CSS styling operates.

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