Using Java Swing to apply HTML styling to text strokes

I have come across this code snippet for a Java swing JLabel:

"<html>\n" +
"<head><style>\n" +
"p {    color: white;\n" +
"    text-shadow:\n" +
"    -1px -1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    1px -1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    -1px 1px 0 #000,\n" +
"    1px 1px 0 #000; }" +
"</style></head>\n" +
"<body><p>testing123</p></body>\n" +

This is a customized example I discovered on how to add an outline around text using HTML. Although the text "testing123" appears in white (or any specified color), the shadow or outline doesn't show up irrespective of the background color. This method works on the w3schools css tester page, but it seems that it's not compatible with all browsers, including swing. Is there a way to implement this successfully?

Answer №1

I recently discovered that this feature only functions on specific browsers, meaning swing is not included, right?

Your assumption is correct! Swing's compatibility with HTML is limited to a subset of HTML 3.2 and its CSS support is inconsistent.

Is there a solution to make this work?

The most effective solution would be utilizing the Java-FX based WebView. This allows Java-FX components to be integrated into Swing applications seamlessly.

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