How can we ensure that the slider thumb label is always shown in Angular 16 Material components?

Is there a way to display the thumb label constantly on a material slider?

The solution mentioned above does not seem to work with Angular 16 material UI slider.

Could you kindly offer an alternative solution for this issue?

Answer №1

It seems that when using a slider with the attribute [discrete]="true", the label container is always visible, but its contents are hidden with the CSS property transform: scale(0).

To override this, simply apply the necessary transform to the appropriate element:

.mdc-slider .mdc-slider__value-indicator {
    transform: scale(1);

Keep in mind that the specificity of this style should be higher than the default material styles, so it may be necessary to add a custom class to your slider, like this:


Then, make changes only to elements with that specific class:

.always-on-indicator {
  &.mdc-slider .mdc-slider__value-indicator {
    transform: scale(1);

Don't forget to either include this in the global styles.scss file or enable style piercing.

Here's an example on stackblitz.

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