Unable to delete a dynamically inserted <select> element by using the removeChild method

As someone who is new to coding web applications, I am currently working on a project that involves adding and deleting dropdowns dynamically.

Unfortunately, I have run into an issue where the delete function does not work when the button is pressed.

Here is the code I am using:

var selectionCounter = 0;

function cloneSelect() {
  var select = document.getElementById("List");
  var clone = select.cloneNode(true);
  var name = select.getAttribute("name") + selectionCounter++;
  clone.id = name;
  clone.setAttribute("name", name);
function deleteSelect() {                                                          
var select = document.getElementById("roomList");                              
var existingNode = select.cloneNode(true);                                     
var name = select.getAttribute("name") + selectionCounter--;                   

<div id="selectContainer">
  <select id="List" name="List" required>
    <option>Populated by php<option>        
<button onclick="cloneSelect()"  type="submit" class="button">Add Room</button>
<button onclick="deleteSelect()"  type="submit" class="button" >Delete Room</button>

Answer №1

  1. Change the type of buttons to actual buttons instead of submit
  2. Avoid deleting a clone element.

var counter = 0;

function duplicateSelection() {
  var selectElement = document.getElementById("List");
  var clonedSelect = selectElement.cloneNode(true);
  var nameAttribute = selectElement.getAttribute("name") + counter++;
  clonedSelect.id = nameAttribute;
  clonedSelect.setAttribute("name", nameAttribute);

function removeSelection() {
  var selected = document.getElementById("List"+(counter));
  if (selected) document.getElementById("selectContainer").removeChild(selected);
<div id="selectContainer">
  <select id="List" name="List" required>
    <option>Content inserted by PHP<option>        
<button onclick="duplicateSelection()" type="button" class="button">Add Selection</button>
<button onclick="removeSelection()" type="button" class="button">Remove Selection</button>

Answer №2

When it comes to the deleteSelect() method, you are currently cloning the node instead of targeting the existing one for removal.

//Create a valid id
var name = select.getAttribute("name") + --selectionCounter;
//Target the element
var clone = document.getElementById(name);
//Remove the element

Furthermore, remember to set your buttons' type attribute to "button".

var selectionCounter = 0;

function cloneSelect() {
  var select = document.getElementById("List");
  var clone = select.cloneNode(true);
  var name = select.getAttribute("name") + selectionCounter++;
  clone.id = name;
  clone.setAttribute("name", name);

function deleteSelect() {
  var select = document.getElementById("List");
  //Create a valid id
  var name = select.getAttribute("name") + --selectionCounter;
  //Target the element
  var clone = document.getElementById(name)
<div id="selectContainer">
  <select id="List" name="List" required>
    <option>Populated by php<option>        
<button onclick="cloneSelect()"  type="button" class="button">Add Room</button>
<button onclick="deleteSelect()"  type="button" class="button" >Delete Room</button>

Answer №3

To access the most recently added <select> element, you can use container.lastElementChild. Here, container represents the <div id="selectContainer"> element:

var counter = 0
var container = document.getElementById("selectContainer")
var select = document.getElementById("List")

function cloneSelect() {
  var clone = select.cloneNode(true)
  clone.id = clone.name = (select.name + counter++)

function deleteSelect() {
  if (counter) {
<div id="selectContainer">
  <select id="List" name="List" required>
    <option>Populated by php<option>        
<button onclick="cloneSelect()" type="submit" class="button">Add Room</button>
<button onclick="deleteSelect()" type="submit" class="button">Delete Room</button>

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