Making modifications to the CSS within an embedded iframe webpage

Assigned with the task of implementing a specific method on a SharePoint 2013 site. Let's dive in.

Situation: - Within a page on a SharePoint 2013 site, there is a "content editor" web part that displays a page from the same domain/site collection. The code below (not authored by me) has been inserted into the content editor and successfully displays the page.

Challenge - My objective is to remove the global navigation from the page within the content editor, presumably done through an Iframe. Using F12 dev tools in IE11, I have identified the CSS class ms-dialog #globalNavBox and set its display to "none", achieving the desired look.

The only hurdle remaining is how to execute this action using some form of code on the embedded page itself.??

This is the current code used in the content editor to display the page for modification:


width:1280px; height:1000px;


<div id="mydiv">
<iframe id="myframe" src="/gen/genInduction/Lists...blah scrolling="no"></iframe>&#160;</div>

As of now, I am unsure of how to include the code (if possible) to remove the css .ms-dialog #globalNavBox {display: none;} so that upon page display, the global navigation is eliminated.

I trust this explanation clarifies my situation, as it marks my first time seeking assistance on this platform. Despite extensive prior research, attempts to resolve this issue have been unsuccessful as the solution eludes me.

Answer №1

Insert the code below within your web page, placing it after the iframe.


Answer №2

It is my understanding that you will still have access to the content of the iframe as long as both elements are from the same domain, unless the iframe has been sandboxed (which is not the case in the provided example). Building upon JBiserkov's concise response, I would like to address some considerations regarding the loading process of an iframe. In certain scenarios, there might be a slight delay in the iframe loading, so it is advisable to anticipate this possibility. I found the following resources helpful in grasping the concept of iframes:

Iframes, Onload, and Document.domain

Iframe Tutorials

-Information about the iframe

var iFrame = document.getElementById('myframe'),

-Accessing the document object of the iframe

-The use of this shortened conditional expression is crucial for interacting with the contents within the iframe.

iDoc = iFrame.contentDocument ? iFrame.contentDocument : iFrame.contentWindow.document,

-Identifying the target element #globalNavBox

gNav = iDoc.getElementById('globalNavBox');

-Upon the iframe being fully loaded, altering the style of globalNavBox to "display" and setting it to "none"

iframe.onload = function () { = 'none';

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