How can I retrieve the inner html content of an element in HandsomeSoup?

Let's say the html I'm currently parsing includes an anchor tag:

<a href="/here">this is what I want</a>

Following the example provided in the package documentation, I can extract the href string "/here" using:

links <- runX $ doc >>> Text.HandsomeSoup.css "a" ! "href"

But how can I retrieve the inner html content? The following code attempt seems to be what I'm searching for, but unfortunately does not yield any results:

links <- runX $ doc >>> Text.HandsomeSoup.css "a" ! "value"

I have thoroughly checked the HandsomeSoup documentation and I am starting to question if this task is feasible. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

HandsomeSoup is built on top of hxt, giving you access to the extensive API provided by hxt. Specifically, I am confident that...

getChildren >>> isText >>> getText

... can be used to extract text content from elements. You can refer to the documentation for getChildren, isText, and getText. Additionally, you may find hasAttrValue useful in specifying your anchor selection criteria.

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