The slider's border-radius is not being maintained as it moves from left to right

We recently implemented a slider on our website, located at . While we added a border-radius to the slider, we noticed that when the images slide, the border-radius is slightly removed...

I attempted to contain the parent element with overflow: hidden, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working as expected...

Answer №1

It would be helpful if you put in a bit more effort. Consider mentioning the structure of your slideshow or even uploading your HTML code. It appears that you are attempting to use list items with background images, and each image has a link associated with it.

The issue might be as follows:

  1. You have a main division (let's call it "scroll") which has a width equal to the sum of the widths of all the images. Then, you likely have another division with a width equal to that of a single image, containing properties like overflow hidden and border radius. There could be some height-related problems with this division. Also, make sure that the scroll division is properly enclosed within the main division that has the overflow hidden property. Without a clearer code example, it's difficult to provide a concrete solution for this issue.

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