Maximizing the efficiency of Java Script code

I am struggling with optimizing this JavaScript code that adds and removes classes based on the presence of a specific class in the next rows of a table. Can anyone provide some guidance on how to make this code more efficient?

  $(".showTR").click(function () {
    let currentRow = $(this).parent().parent('tr');

    for (let i = 0; i < currentRow.length; i++) {
        if (!"tr").hasClass('Row')) {
            currentRow ='tr');
        } else {

    if(!currentRow.hasClass('Row')) {

This code is designed to iterate through each row in a table, checking if the next row has a specific class. If it does not, the class is removed from the current row and the loop continues until a row with the specified class is found.

Answer №1

To handle a situation where HTML code is not available, one can consider the following approaches:

Method 1

  • Start by navigating to the parent tr. This can be done using either .closest('tr') or .parents('tr').
  • Retrieve the list of all subsequent tr elements using .nextAll('tr').
  • Iterate through each of these elements and verify their value. If a specific element has a certain class, remove it and set a flag to prevent affecting other tr elements.
  • If the last tr element is encountered, also hide .showTR.
$(".showTR").click(function() {
  var self = this;
  var hasUpdated = false;
  var trs = $(this).parents('tr').nextAll("tr");
  $.each(trs, function(i, tr) {
    if (!hasUpdated) {
      var $tr = $(tr);
      hasUpdated = $tr.hasClass('Row') && $tr.removeClass('Row') && true;
      if (i === trs.length - 1) {

Method 2

  • Obtain the first sibling tr relative to the parent tr that possesses the "Row" class.
  • Remove the class from this element.
  • If this element happens to be the last child, hide .showTR.
$(".showTR").click(function() {
  var tr = $(this).parents('tr').next("tr.Row:first");

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