How can I ensure that my CSS code functions seamlessly across all versions of Internet Explorer from IE6 to the latest release?

I need a solution for getting this CSS code to function properly across all versions of Internet Explorer, from IE6 to the most recent version.

body:first-child *
    margin-top:0 !important;

body:last-child *
    margin-bottom:0 !important;

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

The CSS is implemented within the CKEDITOR environment.

Appreciate your help in advance!

Answer №1

Without understanding the situation, I can't confidently say that's the most effective approach. The use of * should be approached with caution, and if you find yourself resorting to !important, there might be a problem worth addressing...
Have you considered assigning a class to those elements and styling them accordingly to mitigate potential compatibility issues with older versions like IE6?

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