Using d3.js to dynamically change the color of svg elements based on their data values

I was searching for a way to dynamically color SVG rectangles based on values from a dataset. If I were to create rectangles for each data entry, how could I adjust the rectangle's color according to the data value?

Here is what I currently have:

//Create an SVG Container
var svgContainer ="body").selectAll("svg")
                     .attr("width", 38)
                     .attr("height", 25);

//Draw the rectangle
var rectangle = svgContainer.append("rect")
                    .attr("x", 5)
                    .attr("y", 5)
                    .attr("width", 38)
                    .attr("height", 25)
                    //Adjusting color here based on data points; aiming for different shades of red based on data values
                    .style("fill", function(d) {
                        return "rgb(255," + (d.Two * 2) + ",0)";

Assuming my data appears as follows:

var data = [{One:420, Two:222, Three:332},...]; And I desire only the "Two" values to influence the color of the rectangles

Answer №1

If you need to implement specific color codes, the following example will provide guidance.

  • The d3 color scale d3.scale.category10() contains 20 colors
  • Create a selection of colors to use within your code
  • Assign colors based on the value

var rectangle = svgContainer.selectAll("rect")
            .attr("x", function(d,i){ return 40*i})
            .attr("y", 5)
            .attr("width", 38)
            .attr("height", 25)
           .style("fill", function(d){ return d.Two <= 222 ? 'red' : 'green' });

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Answer №2

This code snippet contains an error:

    var svgContainer ="body").selectAll("svg")
                             .attr("width", 38)
                             .attr("height", 25);

The mistake here is that it creates multiple SVG elements based on the dataset.

A corrected version would be:

 var svgContainer ="body")
   .attr("width", 38)
   .attr("height", 25);

To add color to rectangles:

//create a color scale
         var c10 = d3.scale.category10();

Now, create one rectangle per data point from the dataset

     //Draw the rectangle
     var rectangle = svgContainer.selectAll("rect").data(data).enter().append("rect")
       .attr("x", 5)
       .attr("y", 5)
       .attr("width", 38)
       .attr("height", 25)
       //coloring the rectangles based on data values, varying shades of red
       .style("fill", function(d){ return c10(d.One)});//using the color scale.

Here is a link to a working example

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