Can you identify the method used to apply CSS classes to an element?

Looking for clarification, I've noticed a pattern of "adding" (although unsure if that's the correct term) classes to elements in HTML UI frameworks. For instance, considering an element with these class attributes:

class="mif-earth mif-2x"

To adjust its background or foreground, simply add:

class="mif-earth mif-2x fg-green bg-blue"

All the styles are already defined within the framework and are being applied.

What is this programming approach called? Is it declarative? Or is it simply applying CSS as intended without any specific label?

Answer №1

Editing HTML is not the same as programming. HTML functions as a Markup language, where you primarily mark up content with nouns and adjectives without verbs or adverbs. To make your content interactive, you need to introduce some action words (verbs) into the mix through programming.

When you add a class to your markup, it serves as meta information about the content. This concept aligns with the idea of separating style descriptions using meta attributes like classes for semantic purposes, emphasizing the division between style and content.

If you utilize a programming language such as JavaScript to modify the content or meta attributes dynamically, this practice is commonly known as DOM Scripting.

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