How can I eliminate excess cell spacing from a div that has a display of inline table?

This situation is really frustrating. While using Firefox and Opera, I am encountering unnecessary padding between my nested divs, which is not the case with Chrome and Safari.

I attempted to use border-collapse:collapse

However, it did not work. Do you have any suggestions? This additional space is causing issues with my fluid footer (all div widths sum up to 100%, but due to the unexpected spacing added by Opera and Firefox, it overflows).

Below is the code snippet:


<div id="footer">

<div class="info" id="message">&nbsp;&nbsp;Coming Soon</div>
<div class="info" id="address">The Studio 22 Belsham Street London E9 6NG</div>
<div class="info" id="telephone">+44 (0) 778 079 6488</div>
<div class="info" id="enquiries">Enquiries</div>
<div class="info" id="mailingList">Mailing List ___________________ Submit&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>



#footer {
padding: 0;
padding-bottom: 10px;
display: table;
margin: 0;
border-collapse: collapse;


padding: 0;
display: inline-table;
border: red 1px dashed;

#message {

#address {

#telephone {

#enquiries {

#mailingList {
text-align: right;

Answer №1

Here's the solution: Switched from using inline-table to table-cell.

It all clicks now...

Hopefully this explanation benefits someone in need.

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