How can I delete the header and footer on a personalized homepage design?

After crafting a unique home page/landing page for my website that stands out from the rest, I've come across an issue. The header and footer are appearing on this new page, but I only want to display what I specifically coded. I attempted using Site Origin's custom CSS, but I am unsure of my home page's ID.

Is there a way to remove the header and footer using custom CSS, or is there a more efficient method to achieve this desired outcome?

Answer №1

Perhaps something like this, if I had to guess:

.nav-bar, .footer-section{
    visibility: hidden;

Just remember to replace .nav-bar and .footer-section with the appropriate class or id of your elements.

Answer №2

Is it as easy as just removing the footer and header HTML code?

Answer №3

Don't forget to include the following code snippet in your page's stylesheet:

#header, #footer{
    display: none !important;

// Make sure to replace #yourheaderid and #yourfooterid with your actual header and footer IDs.

If you are using <footer> and <header tags, you can use the following:

header, footer{
        display: none !important;

If you have classes for your footer and header elements, use this code:

.header, .footer{
            display: none !important;

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