What is the best way to achieve a precision of 6 decimal places in JavaScript when working with decimals?

While working on coding to round numbers to six decimal places after performing some arithmetic operations, I encountered a problem. I was iterating through the elements of an array and conducting calculations based on the array contents. To achieve rounding to six decimal places, I used the toFixed function with a parameter of 6. However, when dividing the array contents by the array length and applying toFixed(6), I noticed that only one decimal place was being displayed instead of six.

array = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1];

var positive_count = 0;
var negative_count = 0;
var zero_count = 0;

function plusMinus(array) {

  for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

    if(array[i] > 0) {

    } else if (array[i] < 0) {

    } else if (array[i] == 0) {


  var calculatePos = positive_count/array.length.toFixed(6);
  var calculateNeg = negative_count/array.length.toFixed(6);
  var calculateZero = zero_count/array.length.toFixed(6);



Answer №1

Allow me to clarify the process occurring within your code logic:

array.length // 5
positive_count = 2;
negative_count = 2;
zero_count = 1;

var calculatePos = positive_count/array.length.toFixed(6); //    2 / 5.toFixed(6) this will lead to an error.

var calculateNeg = negative_count/array.length.toFixed(6); //    2 / 5.toFixed(6) this will result in an error.
var calculateZero = zero_count/array.length.toFixed(6);  //      0 / 1.toFixed(6)  this will cause an error.

Here's what you need to adjust:

var calculatePos = (positive_count/array.length).toFixed(6); // => '0.400000' as a string

var calculateNeg = (negative_count/array.length).toFixed(6); // => '0.400000' as a string
var calculateZero = (zero_count/array.length.toFixed(6);  //    => '0.000000' as a string

If you want to convert these strings back to numbers, you can utilize parseFloat(string).

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