Extract the color of an individual character

There is a code snippet in JavaScript using p5.js that functions as a video filter:

    const density = '        .:░▒▓█'
//const density = '     .tiITesgESG'

  //let geist;
  let video
  let asciiDiv
  let playing = false
  let button

  function preload() {
  video = createVideo('assets/ripple.mp4', vidLoad)

function vidLoad() {

function setup() {

    //video = createCapture(VIDEO)
    //video = createVideo('assets/01.mp4');

  button = createButton('play');
  video.size(256, 160)
  //video.size(160, 160);
  asciiDiv = createDiv();

function toggleVid() {
  if (playing) {
  } else {
  playing = !playing;

function draw() {
  let asciiImage = '';

  for (let j = 0; j < video.height; j++) {
    for (let i = 0; i < video.width; i++) {
      const pixelIndex = (i+j*video.width) * 4;
      const r = video.pixels[pixelIndex + 0];
      const g = video.pixels[pixelIndex + 1];
      const b = video.pixels[pixelIndex + 2];
      const avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
      const len = density.length;
      const charIndex = floor(map(avg, 0, 255, len, 0));

      const c = density.charAt(charIndex);
      if (c == ' ') asciiImage += '&nbsp;'
  else asciiImage += c;
asciiImage += '<br/>'

In addition, there is CSS code that appears like this:

 html, body {
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 border: 10px solid black;
 background-color: #fff;
 color: #000;
 //#ffd & #00b0aa;
 font-family: 'Courier Bold';
 line-height: 4pt;
 font-size: 5pt;

canvas {
 display: block; 

You can see the result here. I apologize for all the comments included.

Now, my inquiry revolves around whether it's feasible to alter the color of a specific character within the text. For instance, if I choose the rightmost darkest character from the 'density' constant, could I make just that character appear in blue?

Thank you for your help.

UPDATE: Following the advice provided below, I have implemented the following changes in the code:

const darkest = density[density.length-1]
  const c = density.charAt(charIndex)
  if (c == ' ') {
    asciiImage += '&nbsp;'
  } else {
    asciiImage += c;
  if (c === darkest) {
    asciiImage += `<span class='blue'>${c}</span>`

The updated result can be viewed here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/DiFeM.jpg. It seems the issue arises due to appending 'c' twice, correct?

Answer №1

Officially, no, you cannot directly alter the color of a specific character. However, you do have the option to enclose individual characters within an element (such as a span) that can be styled using CSS.

// identifies the darkest character in the sequence
const darkest = density[density.length - 1]
// if the current character matches the darkest character, wrap it in a span with the class 'blue.'
if(c === ' ') {
  asciiImage += '&nsbc;'
else if (c === darkest) {
  asciiImage += `<span class='blue'>${c}</span>`
else {
  asciiImage += c

To apply a blue color to these characters, adjust your CSS styling accordingly.

.blue {
  color: blue;

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