How can I align two div buttons at the top and bottom to appear on the left and right sides?

How can I change the position of two buttons from top and bottom to left and right as shown in the second image? I am utilizing Floating Vue, so the buttons will be contained within a div. Is it feasible to adjust their position accordingly? Check out the sample here >>> View minimal example

      <VDropdown :triggers="['hover']" placement="top-start">
        <template #popper>
          <div style="padding: 1rem">Help Me</div>
      <VDropdown :triggers="['hover']">
        <button>Test 2</button>
        <template #popper>
          <div style="padding: 1rem">Hello t2</div>

Answer №1

To center the elements on the page, wrap them in a parent div and apply the style display: flex;. You can also add justify-content: center; to keep everything centered.

Here is the modified code:

<div class="dropdowns" style="display: flex; justify-content:center;">
    <VDropdown :triggers="['hover', 'focus']" placement="top-start">
      <template #popper>
        <div style="padding: 1rem">Help Me</div>
    <VDropdown :triggers="['hover', 'focus']">
      <button>Test 2</button>
      <template #popper>
        <div style="padding: 1rem">Hello t2</div>

I hope this solution works for you!

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