How can I access the fourth div element within the initial row of a multirow div container?

My current HTML structure is causing me some confusion. I am trying to create a CSS selector for the element with the text "DESIRED ELEMENT":

 <div class="TopDiv">
      <div class="container">
           <div class="row">
                <div class="span2">
                <div class="span3">Text2</div>
                <div class="span2">
                <div class="span3">DESIRED ELEMENT</div>
           <div class="row">
                <div class="span2">
                <div class="span3">Text5</div>
                <div class="span2">
                <div class="span3">

I am struggling to target the specific div that I need as I am unclear on using 'nth-child of type' or traversing through nested elements.

All I want is a simple and concise method to select the 4th child div of the first row after the container div.

Answer №1

Is the selector dependent on the order of your elements?

Here is a possible solution:

.row:first-child > .span3:last-child

This will target the last element with the class .span3 that is a child of the first .row.

Check out the jsFiddle here.

If you need support for last-child in IE8 and earlier, consider using Selectivizr.

Another option that should work in IE7/IE8 is

.row:first-child > .span3 ~ div.span3

Use this only if there are exactly two elements with the .span3 class inside a row.

View the jsFiddle here.

If it's not the last element but always the fourth, try using

.row:first-child > div:nth-child(4)

See the jsFiddle here.

Answer №2

the fourth div element within the initial row following the container.

The equivalent CSS code would be:

following the container

.container >

within the first row

.row:first-child >

the fourth div element


thus, in a single line:

.container > .row:first-child > div:nth-child(4)

locate the container class and within its children, locate the first row class followed by the fourth div element.

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