Positioning icon/image beside the input box

Currently, I have a form with two buttons in a row and an icon (paper clip) that I am attempting to align next to the buttons using UIKit. However, I am facing challenges in getting the alignment right without affecting the size of the elements. Below is a portion of my React render code where this setup is implemented:

    <div className="uk-margin-large-top">
        <i className="uk-icon-small uk-icon-paperclip"></i>

In addition, the SCSS styles used are:

.uk-margin-large-top {
    margin-top: 50px !important;


My question now is, what would be the most effective way to vertically center the paper clip icon next to the two buttons at the top using CSS3?

Answer №1

Although I am not fully knowledgeable in HTML, you might want to experiment with CSS positioning or utilize the pseudo-element :before and :after.

You could also consider including the class uk-icon-small uk-icon-paperclip to the button that you want it to be positioned beside.

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