Rails : CSS/JavaScript functioning perfectly on local server, facing issues on Heroku deployment

My Rails website features various CSS animation effects and JavaScript elements. While these transitions function smoothly on my local environment, they do not work properly on Heroku.

Examining the Heroku logs:

2013-09-17T17:13:36.081145+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered layouts/_shim.html.erb (0.0ms)
2013-09-17T17:13:36.090362+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered layouts/_header.html.erb (0.0ms)
... (Heroku log continues)

The JavaScript and CSS files are located in the assets/javascripts and stylesheets directories. These assets are compiled at runtime. Despite being loaded onto Heroku as observed through Firebug's inspection of the head section, the animations still fail to function correctly on the live site compared to the expected behavior demonstrated by this example.

How come the site works flawlessly locally but encounters issues on the Heroku platform?

Answer №1

In the production environment on Heroku, all of your JavaScript files are merged into one file called application.js. However, in development, they remain as separate files. The issue you're facing is related to the order in which these files are loaded. To resolve this problem, follow these two steps:

#1 Remove the duplicate jquery *.js file from your assets/javascripts directory since you are already using jquery-rails. #2 Ensure that modernizer loads before the box layout JavaScript file by renaming it accordingly (since files are loaded alphabetically). It should appear before any file starting with the letter 'b'.

I personally use the prefix al-<number>-original-filename because it helps me remember the loading order more easily. Feel free to use a different naming convention if it works better for you. In my case, the files would be renamed as follows:


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