How can a single element be exempted from the Materialize style?

In my current project, I have incorporated Materialize but there is one particular select element that I do not want it to apply to:

    <option value="Male">m</option>            
    <option value="Female">f</option>

I am considering creating a custom style for this element as the only solution, however, I am open to simpler alternatives since Materialize is a relatively new framework.

For context, I am utilizing Symfony3 and have experienced great results rendering components with Materialize in the type.php file, except for a ChoiceType. This is why I am seeking to disable the Materialize styling for the select element. Below is the relevant code snippet:

$opcionesLibreDeTalco = array(
    'label'   => 'Libre de talco',
    'choices' => array(
        'm' => 'Male',
        'f' => 'Female'

Answer ā„–1

If you want to reverse the effects of Materializecss, you can simply add the browser-default class.

The .browser-default class is provided to restore the default browser styles and elements that have been overridden by Materializecss.

Visit this link for more information about the browser-default class.

Answer ā„–2

In anticipation of this scenario, Materialize has taken precautions. Check out how they handle input selectors:

input:not([type]), input[type=text]:not(.browser-default), input[type=password]:not(.browser-default), input[type=email]:not(.browser-default), input[type=url]:not(.browser-default), input[type=time]:not(.browser-default), input[type=date]:not(.browser-default), input[type=datetime]:not(.browser-default), input[type=datetime-local]:not(.browser-default), input[type=tel]:not(.browser-default), input[type=number]:not(.browser-default), input[type=search]:not(.browser-default), textarea.materialize-textarea

The use of :not(.browser-default) is consistent throughout. Therefore, simply add this class to an input element:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col s3">
            <input type="text" placeholder="styled"/>
            <input type="text" class="browser-default" placeholder="not styled"/>

This will result in the following appearance (screenshot)

Answer ā„–3

In the current version of Materialize (0.97.7), there isn't a straightforward method to exclude an element due to the broad CSS selectors with no specific exclusions.

For instance, their SCSS code appears as follows:

select {
  background-color: $select-background;
  width: 100%;
  padding: $select-padding;
  border: $select-border;
  border-radius: $select-radius;
  height: $input-height;

The only option available is to manually override the styles provided by Materialize.

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