Creating an image button within a form using Twitter Bootstrap

My current situation involves having images like this:

    <img src="image1.jpg"  width="80" height="80" id = "wp" alt="workplace">
 <img src = "image2.jpg"  width="80" id = "tm" height="80" alt="team">

and then writing the onclick event for them:

$('img#wp').click(function() {


The issue I'm facing is that I can't use this method to insert a value into a form based on which image is clicked. Additionally, the images don't function like buttons, making them less mobile and tablet-friendly. How should I approach solving these problems?

Answer №1

Submitting forms can be done using the <button> element, which allows for an image tag to be included.

<button name="submitButton" value="clickMe" type="submit">
   <img src="image.jpg" alt="" />

Answer №2

If you want to add a creative touch, consider utilizing an image as a submit button

<input type="image" src="" alt="Submit Form" class="btn"/>

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