Using DataTables to insert HTML elements outside of the table structure

I am attempting to include a button that would allow users to download the table as an .xls file. Upon researching, I stumbled upon this page, however, after implementing the provided JS code, nothing seems to occur:

Below is the code I have:

$(document).ready(function() {
      "<'row' <'col-md-12'i>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-md-6'B>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-md-12'p>>",
    buttons: [

Answer №1

Make sure to include your JavaScript within the "script" tag. It may seem obvious, but it's a common mistake that I've made myself in the past.


$(document).ready(function() {
      "<'row' <'col-md-12'i>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-md-6'B>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
      "<'row' <'col-md-12'p>>",
    buttons: [


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