Techniques for positioning text beside an image in a floating block

Despite experimenting with various display settings such as block and inline for text, I am still facing issues. Please take a look at my website:

Answer №1

It seems like this is the information you are seeking

.summary entry-summary {
  align: right;
.images {
  align: left;

Answer №2

As a newcomer to all this, I am unable to modify the js fiddle file at the moment.

  1. Enclose your divs with class "summary" and "images" in a div with id="container"

So it will be just .summary and .images div inside #container

  1. In the css, make the following changes:

.container {width: 950px !important; display:inline-block;}

.images {float:left !important; width:400px !important; display:inline-block; margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.summary {float:right !important; width:500px !important; display:inline-block; margin:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

By doing this, you will place the text next to the image. Feel free to customize the styling using css and gradually remove the !important declarations one by one to see if anything changes.

I hope that explanation was helpful!

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