How can a borderless text field be created using Material UI?

Today, I delved into using Material UI for my React project. My goal is to create a registration form similar to this one. Essentially, I want 5 input text fields without any borders and with a simple background color effect when active. However, I'm facing an issue in removing all borders of the TextField component. The API only provides one CSS class for the TextFiled component, which does not address the border. I have tried:


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can implement the following CSS:

.CustomInput-root:before {
  display: none;

Additionally, for customizing background colors on hover, use the following CSS:

.CustomInput-root:hover {
  background-color: WHATEVER_YOU_WANT

If you prefer, you can also utilize customized-inputs as outlined in detail here.

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