Customize your QTabBar icons with Qt Stylesheet: Adjusting the icon mode

I am currently working on customizing a QTabBar with a stylesheet in my tool. I use QIcon to create icons for the tabs, allowing me to set different modes such as normal, disabled, and selected. The challenge I am facing is trying to apply a global stylesheet to the QTabBar that will automatically set unselected tabs to the disabled mode without knowing what the tab's icon is.

To provide some context, I have a tool with multiple tabs where icons are set using QIcon during tab creation. My goal is to implement a global stylesheet that can be applied to the entire tool, adjusting the appearance of unselected tabs to the disabled state regardless of their individual icons.

Answer №1

Consider using QTabBar::tab:!selected.

You can choose from the following options:

  • QTabBar::tab (default tab style)
  • QTabBar::tab:selected:top (for tabs at the top)
  • QTabBar::tab:selected:bottom (for tabs at the bottom)
  • QTabBar::tab:selected (currently selected tab)
  • QTabBar::tab:!selected (inactive tab, can be styled with grey color)
  • QTabBar::tab:first:selected (first selected tab)
  • QTabBar::tab:last:selected (style for all tabs between first and last selected tab)
  • QTabBar::tab:hover (change appearance when hovering over a not-selected tab)
  • QTabBar::tab:selected:hover (change appearance of active tab when hovered over)

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